Hexagram 63 -Already Crossing – Uranus in Aries

Hexagram 63 – Already Crossing, After Completion, Water over Fire


Already Crossing.  The Small Fox.

Make an offering and you will succeed. Advantageous Trial.  Harvesting.

Wise Words! Initiating things opens the Way. Completing them brings disorder.


All of us know that a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011 at 2:46 PM.

But you might not be aware  that this event coincided with the very last degree of Uranus in Pisces, the mutable water sign. In this sign, Uranus has a symbolic affinity with earthquakes and tsunamis (it was also active in the chart of the 2004 Indian Ocean disaster). On this day, Uranus completed its 7-year stay in Pisces, waved good-bye and approximately 15 hours after the devastating quake and subsequent tsunami, entered Aries for the next 7 years starting a new 84-year cycle.The destruction and subsequent suffering in Japan is beyond our imagination, and the threat of a pervasive nuclear accident still (as of this writing) a dreadful possibility with implications for our entire planet. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Japan.

Uranus’ movement from the medium of water, creativity, emotional reality, and spirituality to the medium of fire and idealism is a major shift.  The first degree of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn is known as the “World Axis” and 0° Aries in particular is important as the spring equinox and beginning of the entire zodiac.

As you may have read elsewhere on this blog (see  Not Yet Crossing) Uranus is the planet of liberation that is often described as “The Awakener”.  Its job is to liberate us from our conventional ideas and behavior, shake us out of our complacency, and show us another reality. Out of the blue (a true Uranian color!), totally unpredictable in its manifestation, it teaches us through upheaval about freedom and humanitarianism. It rules technology and innovation and works through electrical impulses.

When Uranus arrives at the end of a sign,  there is a sense of urgency, a quickening.  In one seemingly fated moment, everything can change utterly. As we cross this boundary from Pisces into Aries, we move into a new cycle of personal liberation and action.  The consequences of the earthquake and tsunami are a clarion call for us to take the action needed to heal our planet’s fragile ecology.  If nothing else, this disaster reiterates one of the major lessons of Uranus in Pisces — that we’re all part of the ocean of humanity and every wave affects us.

Aries represents raw energy, youthful enthusiasm and taking action to achieve one’s goals. It’s about being a warrior, going off to fight for a righteous cause, and coming back a winner.  Ruled by Mars, Aries is about all things traditionally male  – testosterone, survival, war, metal, knives, iron, self-assertion, winning, physicality, the aggressive side of sexual energy, the color red, and in-your-face idealism among other yang qualities. With Uranus here, all of us (but especially men) will be challenged to find out what it means to be a warrior in the 21st century and evolve the male archetype.  What is worth fighting for and what is the best way to fight for it?

Be aware that you might notice more energy, a restlessness, an uncontrollable impulsiveness, or perhaps a new connection to your sexuality.  If you were born at the beginning of the cardinals (March 21 – 25, June 21-25, September 21-25, December 21-25) or have early cardinal degrees rising or planets in those degrees, this will affect you strongly.

March –  Important Dates (EST) :

3/1 –Venus enters Aquarius

3/4 –   New Moon at 13 Pisces

3/9  –   Mercury enters Aries

3/11 – Red Alert! Uranus enters Aries – 7:52 PM EST

3/19 – Full Moon 28 Virgo – 2:10 PM EST

3/20 – Spring Equinox- Sun enters Aries – 7:21 PM EST

3/21 – Sun conjunct Uranus in Aries

3/26 – Venus conjunct Neptune in Aquarius

3/27 – Venus enters Pisces

3/28 – Jupiter opposes Saturn

3/30 – Mercury retrogrades at 24 Aries